PGConf India 2023​

OSDB’s Founder HariKiran was presenting his talk on “Simplifying the complexity of Database Partitioning” at PGConf India 2023 on February 22 – 24.

Open source database solutions are the standard choice for many new organizations. PostgreSQL, has shown up in every industry and organization in the world in some form or another.

This has led to an increase in the demand for PostgreSQL operations that teams have to support. Along with the evolution in technologies with a growing micro-service ( or cloud-native ) development where every service has its own database connection and where data is crucial.

PGConf is an annual conference for users and developers of the PostgreSQL database. The conference features talks and workshops on a wide range of topics related to PostgreSQL, including performance tuning, data modeling, and application development

OSDB is proud to be part of the event.

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